What is the relationship between 'sound' and 'image' in your work?

The following artists / musicians attended the Not Still Art Festival on April 27th., 2002
and were videotaped while discussing their work.  NSA hopes  to release these interviews in the near future.

Magnus Alexanderson (musician - Sweden) + Sachiko Hayashi (video artist - Sweden)

Ken Hatta (musician - Japan) + Kaori Stephanie Watanabe (assistant  - Japan) + Aix Battoe (video artist - Arizona)

Michail Dimov (video artist - Bulgaria)

Nicolas Economos (video artist - New York)

Carol Goss (video artist - New York)

Gerry Hemingway (musician - New York) + Beth Warshafsky (dancer / video artist - New York)

99Hooker (director/writer/musician - New York)

Tara Kozuback (video artist - Arizona)

Daina Krumins (director / computer animator - New

Kurt Schultz (computer animator - Illinois)

Walter Wright (video artist - Massachusetts)

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Interviews were documented by:

Leo Laziza (camera) + Hayes Greenfield (camera)