April 25, 1998 Cooperstown, New York
The following musicians are coming out to the
Festival to do a second set! (around 9PM)
Bahn and Trueman will be joined by yet to be announced
video artists!
Curtis Bahn plays a custom 5 string "vertical bass"
(like an acoustic bass with no body) fitted with electrical pickups
and various computer
controllers which allow him to "drive" an elaborate computer performance
system in real-time while playing.
Dan Trueman, plays a six string
electric violin with a bow of his own design which includes an
accelerometer sensor that transmits performance information to his
interactive computer performance system.
The duo has a commitment to
free-improvisation and electonic music composition, creating real-time
sonic landscapes in performance which combine pre-composed electronic
sounds with real-time digital signal processing, algorithmic composition,
and sampling . They have played in NYC and abroad, recently performing
the International Computer Music Festival in Thessoloniki Greece,
and the
Society for Electroacoustic Music in the U.S. festival (SEAMUS).
They have
performed in collaboration with Rindy Eckert, Steve Mackey and the
group "First Avenue."
The Not Still Art Festival is produced by
the Boswell Museum of East Springfield, NY with in-kind support by Gallery
53 of Cooperstown, NY. The Festival is a Decentralization Program
which is made possible, in part, with public funds from the New
York State Council on the Arts. In Otsego County the Decentralization
Program is administered by the Upper Catskill Community Council of the
Arts. The Festival is also made posible with funds from the Presentation
Funds Grant from the Experimental
Television Center, and promotional support from Media
Alliance at WNET/Thirteen, FIVF/AIVF
and the Bay Area Video Coalition.
Thanks to Telenet.net
for graciously providing internet access and this website <http://www.improvart.com/nsa/nsa.htm>
support of the arts.